My Favorite Guitars

People ask me which guitar is my favorite. It's hard to narrow it all down to one but I can give a quick overview of what I prefer.

I have always been a fan of what I like to refer to as "The Three G's". These are Gretsch, Guild and Gibson.

I used to own a 1969 Gibson SG but have since sold it. Not a big fan of solid body electrics much but that was a great instrument. Learned many-a-riff on it. I am also big fan of Rickenbacker 12-string electrics but their infamous "R" tailpieces are a nightmare. Some great and influential sounds have come from that fleet.

My favorite electric guitar is the Gretsch Viking. I own one built at the old Gretsch Factory in Brooklyn, NY in August, 1967. This semi-hollow body is actually based on the Gibson ES 335 but with more gadgetry. As a rhythm guitarist, the low end open chords fill the room and help chug the performances along (I only use it with band gigs and recordings). In 2009, I bought a double-cutaway 2008 Gretsch White Falcon. La Machine, indeed!

My favorite acoustics are the 12-string Guild JF series (now "F"). These jumbo guitars have a huge, deep sound that rattles the air. I love the larger body style plus the fact that they are built like tanks. This works well for me as I sometimes play extremely heavy handed. But wow, what a sound.


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