Counterfeit Beatles Box Sets

For those who are unaware, it seems the market has been flooded with homemade copies of the following box sets:

1. The Beatles Stereo Box:

2. The Beatles In Mono Box:

3. The Beatles U.S. Albums:

There is also the Japan Box but I have not heard of any fakes yet (I am sure it's only a matter of time):

I have seen a counterfeit "U.S. Albums" and it's pathetic. The covers were all off center, the CD's looked like garbage, no inner sleeves, the gatefold albums were a disaster and the sticker with the "Yesterday...And Today" trunk cover was separate from the CD. What made it worse is the thing was obviously hand-cut with scissors. Ridiculous. Sad that so many people would/will never notice.

The first of the red lights are the third party people selling these at discount prices. If you are looking for that bargain through these offers, send the seller an inquiry asking if the set is legitimate and to provide photos. This usually puts the ones who are aware into panic mode. They will most likely back off- and if you have already paid for the item- a full refund your cash. There are so many smoothies out there attempting make a quick buck off these things, so don't let anyone pull your chain. If you want to be sure to get legitimate copies, buy them directly from Amazon. You will pay more but will have total satisfaction.

Here are some videos to help you detect a fake. Nothing about the "US Albums" nor Japan Box has been posted:

"The Fake Beatles Stereo Box":

"The Fake Beatles In Mono Box":


  1. Simple solution to the fake problem - Don't buy off the web unless they're authorized dealers. That means checking.I got my stereo and mono cd box sets from HMV(downtown Toronto). I realize not everyone has $560 to spend on cds but it was worth for the real thing. If you paying less then $100 I would worry.


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