The Peppermint Rainbow

The Peppermint Rainbow were a Baltimore, Maryland based band who were- essentially- discovered by Cass Elliot of The Mamas & Papas fame. This sunshine pop unit had a hit with their second single "Will You Be Staying After Sunday " which reached #32 in 1969. The LP of the same name bubbled under at #106. The song seems to be the only one listeners may recall today. For me, it's their first single " Walking In Different Circles" which caught my ear. Strangely, this potential hit never made the charts at all. Produced by Paul Leka- the same guy who produced The Lemon Pipers of "Green Tambourine" fame- they were also given the same original backing track of "GT" and added their vocals. It was released as another single but missed the charts as well. Like so many bands of that era, The Peppermint Rainbow disbanded in 1970. Click here for " Walking In Different Circles " Click here for " Green Tambourine "